How selling too soon could be losing you clients!

You’ve created a brilliant service, product or program and you cannot wait to get it out there!

Let’s face it you are an expert at what you do. You know people need your service. In fact, it could help most people to lead a better more fulfilling life!

It’s a success story just waiting to happen!

So you decide to ‘eat that frog’. You face your fear of selling and do it anyway. Even if doing so feels a bit…..icky.

You create an event. You set up Facebook posts. You even invest in some paid ads. You post in Facebook groups. You put it out there. You put it everywhere!

But then. Nothing. Zilch. Or very little.

It is so frustrating! You cry out to the universe?? Why, why, WHY???

It may just be that you are selling too soon.

Human beings have simple needs, but they are complex creatures.

Meltwater Customer Purchase Funnel
Image used with permission.

We go through quite a process when it comes to making purchase decisions.

The process leading up to purchase is:


We become aware that we have a problem. We can be in this phase for quite a while! We may start Googling the issue to find out more about our problem or condition.


We decide we need help. We start to consider our options. What types of treatments could help us? We research and explore. We evaluate the service providers, and people offering to help. Do we like them? Do they suit us? Are they trustworthy? There’s a lot to consider here.


We’ve narrowed it down to a shortlist. We weigh up the pros and cons of our treatment options or solutions to our problem.


We’ve made our decision. The price is right! The solution is right! We are confident in our decision. Time to hand over the money.

Why selling too soon can backfire

If you are trying to sell someone your product, but they don’t know they need it yet, it may fall on deaf ears. They won’t be ready to receive.

You need to educate them first to arouse their awareness. Then once they are aware,  they need to know the options that are available. You can help them by explaining these clearly. This can apply to the range of options on the market, as well as the multiple products or services you offer.

But, if you are just flogging your event, product or service, without considering where your market is at, you’ll be missing their sweet spot.

So what’s the answer to selling at the right time?

As a health or wellness practitioner, you are in an advantageous position. You can use education and information to promote your product. You don’t have to hard sell anything!! BUT, you must appeal to their most urgent needs right now!!

BUT, you must appeal to their most urgent needs right now!!

Trying to sell something without a deep felt urgent need or desire will make your job difficult.

Helpful marketing is healthy marketing.

The key is giving people what they need now (education about their problem, their question answered, a solution option) – then what they need next (your product). Too often we just try and give them the product, overlooking the first part.

You need to demonstrate that you know your customer, their needs, their concerns, their objections and their preferences!! Ignore this at your peril.

Accept that they may not buy until they have a real reason to do so and that all of these things must be addressed.

How do you do this? Some ways to consider include:

  • Explain signs and symptoms.
  • Answer frequently asked questions.
  • Do product reviews.
  • Share case studies and testimonials.

You can do this through blogs, video, images and social media.

Your customers are looking for what you offer – help them to find you and navigate their purchasing decision!

Include your most important call to action. Make it easy for them to make their purchase decision.

Once they’ve become a customer, you can nurture their loyalty, and they can become advocates!

Want to learn more about health marketing?

[thrive_link color=’green’ link=’’ target=’_blank’ size=’big’ align=’aligncenter’]Join Krishna’s ‘Grow Your Health & Wellbeing Business’ Facebook Group[/thrive_link]

What feminine protection can teach you (gents too) about sales funnels

Meltwater-Customer-Purchase-Funnel-high-rezLast week I had a enlightening discussion with my 8 year old daughter about feminine protection, which got me thinking about the marketing process, and the steps that exist within it. Lily is nowhere near puberty yet, but she’s certainly thinking about it, as a result of plenty of exposure to sanitary protection ads.

Our conversation went like this:

Lily: Should I wear pads or tampons

Me: Which ever you prefer

Lily: Pads……which is more comfortable?

Me: Tampons

Lily: Oh…

(My 14 year son looked on in horror)…sorry gents.

I shared this conversation on Facebook, which got lots of comments, and alternatives such as eco-pads and menstrual cups that my 8 year old could consider!  

So, how is this relevant to you and your business? Continue reading “What feminine protection can teach you (gents too) about sales funnels”